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stompe ....stop sending me

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NoK | 00:13 Sat 15th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
unsolicited messages on Facebook, like i have told you before you are a strange creature . Facebook is for people i like and trust and you do not fit into any of those categories.

i know full well your motive behind your unsolicited idiotic message but it wont work , you are just a fool.


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why don;t you just block him on facebook?
hi Nok...glad you're still here - couldn't reach you page and thought it was barred.

maybe it's me who's barred ;)
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well i have never needed to block anyone dot , so i will have to suss out how to do that. I didn't know he could send me a message he ain't on my friends list.
well he can message you if he has found you on there, so could I if I knew who you were. But you can also block people
You can email people even if they're not friends of yours. I think if you reply they can see your profile for a month.
No can send a message with a request. If that request is refused then they can't see anything.

Can I add you NoK?
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well i haven't and don't intend on answering the freak.
thanks for the info Duchess , i wonder why he would want to see my profile?

that begs the question who from his nicey nicey group enlightened him to who i am on Facebook?

Yes I know. That message shows up in my inbox as an email because of my privacy settings, you can't actually request to be my friend. Apparently, if I replied to one of those emails, even if jst to say I don't want to be firends, then they can see my profile for a month. That's what my cousin told me at any rate but then he's a teenager and currently only speaks txt!
No idea. I have two FB accounts and I don't suppose it would be hard for anyone to work out who I am if we have common friends and they see me posting on their wall or status etc...
you can block people on FB here

and as others said, he can't see your profile unless you reply, you can see his for a month now though
I don't know China...I'm old...That's just the way I thought it was :-(
Bl00dy hell! I actually got a technical bit of info right and the great Chuck confirmed it! Bill Gates, here I come.

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