Cant believe the price of recycle bins for the kitchen, we are now forced to separate everything into 4 bins and Im not paying nearly fifty quid to sort the kitchen bin out, bl00dy extortion this recycling business
cheapest I can see is �30 and its not big enough, even for wee me
How does everyone else do it? Our council is now strict and if the bin isnt right they wont take it away <:-(
Cazzz we have free external bins but I need a 3 or 4-compartment kitchen one as I have to take my stuff downstairs and its a right pain with food n stuff I cand just tip it into the outside bin every time
oh I know what you mean, especially when they only collect them fortnightly, the kitchen always looks like a tipe just before collection day because of the sheer amount of plastic and paper I have sorted for recycling
I have a teeny weeny kitchen and have one s/s bin, a bag for paper, a caddy for food, another bag for glass, its getting ridiculous and its so hard to keep the floor clean
I'm 'fortunate' in that have an area in the waste-land that should be a garden for kitchen waste,could try a cheaper alternative bin from � strecher.our door-step collection not too bad,but not take plastic or card,so still need to go to 'city dump'a few dishy blokes there
Petal I dont think the cheap shops have these bins with all the compartments in to separate stuff.
Just seen one on amazon for �19 (double bin) but dread what the postage would be.
Someone nicked our paper bin and the plastic/cans one is not big enough so I just put everything out in white bags. Except household which stays in black.
hi Ummmm we are now not allowed to put food of any description in any bin except the compost one with grass cuttings in (brown) and plastic now goes in the blue paper bin (but without the bottle lids) but paper towels or tissues cant go in the paper bin its a piece of nonsense lol
No its being phased in to each area, Scone have had it since about June, we started it in B of E this month, its coming to a bin near youuuuuuuuuu .......
Its sh!t, they will post out the details to you of when it starts and all the 3 fortnightly collection dates, its a right pain, I hover over the bins going "right...which one does this go in" lol
It maybe says on their website Dris