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oooops - more Qs wanted here

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tamborine | 11:55 Sun 16th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
plant some more Q in CB - gotta get away from yesterdays postings.

Got murky-lurkeys nosing around.


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I'll gladly post more dross but can you explain what's going on please?
what on earth are murky-lurkeys? lol
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No but my 1st Q might be a clue.....someone's OH is poking around.
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murky - dirty......lurkey- lurking.......ok? Your owe one back - post an inane Q on cb to help fill the page.
Tambo,this is all very cryptic.
nope, not at all in tune with your resaoning, what is afoot?
Hang on folks, I'll go drag my Enigma machine out of the shed....
I would gladly post more but atm I can only post from my iPod touch ( think its cos it doesnt sign me out from Ab) and the keyboard is tiny and I keep hitting the wrong keys making it take ages just to type a few lines. Oh and this is the only username I have on Ab, I have no back up names.
I've also been having trouble, been unable to access AB for at least two days.

I thought it might have something to do with my username having a dot in it, and the changeover to the new AB. It sounds as though there are lots of folk who cannot sign in.
the ed should not have partatken of that crate of wine on friday night, she should have addressed this issue and stayed with us all wekend. It is obvious to me that anyone with anything but letters and numbers in their name are being targeted by the software or programme or whatever the techies would name it!! I signed out on my PC this morning and can't sign in again, on this laptop I never sign out, but I have stopped the system tool thing that cleans the files incase it erases my sign in details on here
I know i'm late off the starting blocks here but what do you mean tamborine?

Its an open site so anyone is free to browse if they want to or am I missing something?
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all clear now drissy - emergency has passed. T'was just a favour for a fiend
Okay Dokey tambourine !

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oooops - more Qs wanted here

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