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Sir Fred Goodwin

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john1066 | 15:10 Sun 16th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
He has just moved back to his home in Scotland after his self-imposed 6 month exile in France. I'm totally against hooliganism and vandalism but I would turn a blind eye in this case What do you think??


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he should be charged 4 times as much council tax as everyone else cos he has created more unemployment therefore more benefit payouts, he should not be allowed to take any work anywhere as he does not need the money. I donlt knwo on what I base my comment I just think fat cat bankers like him have led to the recession
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You called him a "banker "You were nearly right!
wots the betting he needs medical treatment?
I've forgotten how much money he was given as his bonus, but if he hadn't had that the RBS could have invested the money in the UK contruction industry and helped 100s of builders and construction workers earn a living, as it is most of them are unemployed, but unable to claim JSA cos they were self employed.
stone the bustard.
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You shouldn't stone a bustard...Oh sorry, I thought you said a buzzard..x
Hi pension should be paid into the economy rather than his bottomless pocket. The thieving little...............!

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Sir Fred Goodwin

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