My next door neighbour deliberately parks his car right outside my house (yes, I know I have no rights to the road). We are having some work done this week and my neighbour is parked directly over the access to our mains water. I've asked him politely to move his car so the workmen can access the drain cover and he is refusing to do so. Any suggestions please?
Don't even mention awkward neighbours to me Mrs O. Ours is a nightmare and has blighted our lives since he moved in five years ago. Brilliant considering there are only four houses here!!!
Can you contact your County Highways department regarding this. The drain cover is on their property and they can issue an injunction or something which requires him to move his car? Failing that perhaps the Water Authority?I know you can take out some sort of court order if a neighbour is interfering with vital work that needs doing to your property. A long drawn out process though.
Failing that, shoot him!!
The legal experts on here will hopefully be around.
lol...I wish!
The car is the neighbour's spare car - the silly sod bought the old banger to leave parked outside our house hoping it would wind us up. He is out at work all day (in his new car which he parks on his drive when home). I tackled him this morning, hoping in vain he would shift the banger when asked.
The problem also is that you or the authorities can't move his car. Have you got a local neighbourhood watch police officer that could have a polite word with him?
This sounds the sort of thing my neighbour would do. At present he has threatened us with Court Action through a solicitor because we have 'stolen' some of his garden and did it before he bought his house!! Considering we have lived peaceably in the property for 30 years with the same boundaries.............
Next house will have no neighbours within 5 miles in every direction.
It seems that acting reasonably won't achieve anything so you need another approach.
Is his old banger taxed? If not, report it..
You could tell the workmen to park on his drive as they can't park outside your house. Or you could block his drive one morning so he can't get out to work and take your time over moving it/say it's broken down and you'll move it when he moves his old banger.
Ask him again face to face. If he refuses than you can either move his car by bumping it out of the way ( the work men could do it easily) or ... cancel the workment on a temporary basis and make another date with them for say, a weeks time.. and then write the neighbour a letter.
state that "I have tried to access the water mains under the road in order to complete essential work on my property and because your vehicle was parked over the access point my workmen could not do their job. I requested that you please move your vehicle on x day and on x day and you ignored my request. Subsequesntly, I had to cancel the workmen which has left me out of pocket by �x . I have rearranged the said workmen to come and perform their job on x date.If you fail to remove your vehicle by 8 am on that date and let the workmen complete the job I face no alternative but to take legal action through the small claims court to recover the financial losses have incurred."
Yours sincerely
Mrs O
make sure you get the building firm to invoice you for time wasted!!!
Probably a little late to help, Mrs O, but access to a domestic mains water stop-valve would not normally be in the public carriageway - it would more typically be in the verge or under the public footpath adjoining a public carriageway. So if this prat is parking off the public carriageway as a means to deliver his evil little scheme of obstruction, you could 'get him' on that.