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the big fat film quiz

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smurff | 17:39 Tue 18th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
hi if anyone is doing this quizany help with the pictures woul be most helpful
i still need
the boy looking out the window
the lady in pink sat at the table
the next section
the first lady
the lady in pink next to a car
the man witha gun
and the next section
the lady in the car
the man in the hood
any help gratefully accepted thanks


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lady in pink sat at the table - google the breakfast club - 80s brat pack film

other pink lady - legally blonde lass

Do you have stop drop and roll (action) in cryptic films

boy looking out of the window - 6th sense character
the man in the hood - character from Saw 4

Please can you help me with: Section 2 picture 4 (man sitting down in leather chair) . Many thanks.
Godfather part 2

Can you help with line 3 number 4 I think it's Christian Slater bur don't know the character
line 4 number 1 I think it's Demi Moore but don't know the character
Thank you for your help Granny Grump. For Christian Slater I have the character Jason Dean. Sorry I have not solved the other picture.
It's not demi moore. The film is Fast and Furious.
Section 3, 1st lady, film is Terminator.
Thank you hellomummy & jan1957

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the big fat film quiz

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