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Moving a garden Plant

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treehouse | 16:33 Thu 23rd Jun 2005 | Home & Garden
3 Answers


I have a Daphne adora arora amarginata[ not spelt right!] We will be moving house within the next few months maybe into early autumn can I move this plant without killing it? It is a beautiful specimen and is very healthy but I would like to take it with me.

Thankyou Look forward to your reply



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If you mean Bitter Cherry (Prunus emarginata) then it can be transplanted with expected success in the early spring or later fall.  With the heat I see you've been having, I would certainly wait until September or October... Good luck!

Daphnes really don't like being moved so it's a bit of a risk.  Keep it well watered prior to your move & lift as big a root ball as possible so as to cause minimum root damage. Water well once replanted (not in a cold exposed area but you probably know that!). 

Good luck with your house move and your daphne!

If you're selling your house make sure you let the prospective buyers know you will be taking the plant with you.

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