In case you missed my reply to your lunch-time question (there was no acknowledgement) here it is again:
(War Guilt Lie) Term often used by Nazi speakers in denouncing Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, the provision that placed responsibility on Germany and its allies for causing all the loss and damage of World War I. During the postwar period, every political party in Germany from right to left denounced the treaty as the Versaillesdiktat (Dictation of Versailles). It was pointed out that Germany, as a result of the treaty, had lost its colonies, virtually all its investments abroad, 15.5 percent of its arable land, 12 percent of its livestock, nearly 10 percent of its manufacturing plants, two-fifths of its coal reserves, almost two-thirds of its iron ore, and more than half of its lead. Germany's navy was almost wiped out, and its merchant marine was reduced from 5.7 million tons to less than 500,000 tons. The surrender of the colonies meant the loss of access to rubber and oil supplies. In Mein Kampf, Hitler denounced the treaty of Versailles as a monstrous injustice. Nazi speakers followed his lead in attacking the Kriegsschuldluge as designed to destroy the German people.