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4getmenot | 13:10 Tue 25th Aug 2009 | Pregnancy
9 Answers
When is labour time counted from?

My mate was online saying her waters had broke at about 10.30 then how her contractions were 5 mins apart then at 3am I had msg saying she'd had a girl yet she says she was in labout 35 mins


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redcrx.......where are you?
sorry, sqad, was busy answering the other post
I don't think there's a starter with a gun and stopwatch, it's just up to you to decide when you're in labour or not. Some might count it from the breaking of the waters, others from when they start to count the pain as severe. Some probably stop counting after the thrid day.
if we go from contractions, i was in labour for weeks lol
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but she's going on about how it was only 35 mins long, but she was having contractions for longer than that
recrx...I am trying to zip my lip, but having great trouble....aren't you proud of me?...LOL
im very proud of you! its not often you can avoid trouble on the pregnancy section.

Perhpas she means "established labour" was only 35 mins?
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dont really get why you'd be biting your tongue. I'm just asking a queation because I dont know

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