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he has only voiced what most guys are thinking,mind you he must lead a very boring life to have to post such crap.
I don't support Amanda because she is attractive.

I support her because the evidence ...

witness, forensic and exhibit ...

... is fundamentally flawed.

And ... because since the start of my Knoxy postings ...

The prosecution have admitted that the Police and prosecuting authorities invented some of the evidence.

Sorry ... do I need to repeat that ?

The Police have ADMITTED that they INVENTED

key elements of the evidence.

Once more ...

The Police LIED to the Press

and LIED to the Court


And now that they have admitted inventing evidence ...

... what happens ?


Sorry ... did you say that the Police officres responsible are on Trial for perverting the course of justice?

No. I said ... nothing happens.

Amanda stays in prison.

The people who should be in prison are the corrupt Police officers who have put her there.

No! no! please no!...........can't stand another JJ rant on Knoxy.
Stay off the thread then ?
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vibes ...... its gwumpy
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Just trying to be helpful, Vibekins x x x

Anyway ... I'm not going to go on and on on this thread.

I've previously posted a full explanation of the evidential flaws.

I've donated to Knoxy's defence fund.

I've done my bit.


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Do you know the answer?

one for Jayne..

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