well you may like to have a peek at this,i was searching for a gift idea and can across this,very bizarre gift.i am totally not impressed and quiet shocked ,
and yucky, the poo bag is dish washer safe WTF,pmsl.
I most certainly am not pericat. i have principles.you know.
i think its rather disgusting.
mind you one couldn't have a phis in there now could they.
how the hell could you do one with out the other lol.
Of course and I did my party piece - a bit of a jig !! It's on rte1 over here over 2 nights - each girl has a bit of a chat then does a party piece and that's the embarrassing bit especially when they sing and haven't a note in their head
oh no, 2 nights! you must be really, really bored...
Well I'm fed of this site, it keeps cutting off my internet connection so I'll hang up my tiara & say g'nite peri x