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izzieamy | 13:58 Sun 30th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
i put this in the religion section but didn't get many responses so thought i'd try here!

'Jews should try to overcome their differences between groups and unite'

Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer
Many thanks x x x

(the two groups being orthodox jews and reform jews


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are you suggesting only jews have differences with other groups?
-- answer removed --
I see no reason why they should unite...their differences are both based on the teaching of the Bible, and on cultural considerations. They are too far apart to expect them to unite.
Would we expect all Christian groups to unite...I think not
I think religious groups can agree to differ, but they often think otherwise.

It's difficult for Westerners to understand, religion is a 'background' aspect of our daily lives, but for faiths such as Judaism and Islam, it is woven into the fabric of their daily lives, and teachings (and differencces in them) impact far more for them, than for us.

There is no reason for groups with differeing religious or cultural beliefs to 'unite', the trick is for them to exist side by side in harmony - that's the hard part.
yep, that's really funny.
Well it appealed to my soh

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