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Parts of the Body

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Freda7 | 14:25 Tue 01st Sep 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
No. 15. Found at an oasis.
No. 16. Could be painful on your back.
No. 27. It means agreement.
No. 30. A boxer needs them.
Number of letters are not given.
Would be grateful for any help. Thanks.


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30 fists?
27 eye? sounds like aye?
15 Palm?
16 Nails?(Bed of nails)
Question Author
Thanks squarebear and sddsddean. I already have eyes and nails in answers to other clues so will have to keep on trying, Thanks for your help - much appreciated.
-- answer removed --
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Zacsmaster - Yes, that makes sense. Thanks.
30 Fists
Can you help with no 11 You should be reprimanded for this
Cheek - sixpence

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Parts of the Body

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