At 86 I have long realised that the world,and many of the people in it,are vile.
I have also found that the only way to cope with such situations is not to dwell on them,if I did I would have gone mad.
I now know that there are many awful things/people in the world and I deal with them in following way/s.
Many situations (if not most) I have no control over,so I don't let them worry me.
Many situations,(if not most) do not affect me personally,so I ignore them.
Many "so called" news stories are either fake or hyped up,again I ignore them.
I HAVE seen one of the vilest treaments of man by man,and so any other stories pale into insignificance.
The things you quote are not new,they have been going on in their own way for centuries,it's just that with TV,Newspaper and the Net they are more widely reported now.
Man is horrible creature,the sooner that he is wiped off of the earth the better.
Then it could return to animals,who at least only kill for food.