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tartwitahart | 23:13 Mon 27th Jun 2005 | People & Places
8 Answers

i no its a bit sad but my grandad passed away this morning and my nan is suffering really badly i just wundred wot do u think wood help her




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Deepest sympathy's... Just be there, hold her hand, do what you can.  The time will come that she'll want to talk about your grandad... be ready with some rememberances to share with her...
How very sad, I'm so sorry for you & your nan & family.  As Clanad says just be there & allow your nan to do whatever she feels - everyone reacts differently when they've just lost a loved one.  She'll no doubt feel different from one day to the next & you might find that difficult to understand but that's often the way it is.  You obviously love her a lot & that will be so much help to her.  Take care x

I feel very sad for you and all your family, tartwitahart. But just think there has been a new star up in the sky since last night.

Be there to be needed when your nan is ready for you.

I'm sorry for your loss tartwitahart, but like everyone says else just be there for your nan. I also believe like arful that there would have been a new star in the sky last night.  If you or your nan have a garden maybe you could plant a new bush or tree in memory of your grandad.

God blessx

I was in the same boat last year. Be there as everyone has said but there probably seems to be lots of people around at the mo, it's after the funneral that everyone seems to disappear and that's when it will hit your nan in a different way. Night time for her will be very hard. My nan is awake 3+ times a night and and prays for morning. At first, she didn't want to live and couldn't see any light at the end of the tunnel but as we all know, time is a great healer. There will come a time when you think she is ok and then she will have a bad day..tears etc just come from knowhere in months to come. It's a tough time ahead ...even silly things like, making one cup of tea instead of two can set her off. Keep as much support and contact going as poss. I know this doesn't sound very positive but wanted to try and tell you how it really is. Thinking of you all xx
I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandad tartwitahart. If the weather is nice, try to encourage your Nan to sit out in a shady part of the garden. Offer her nice cups of tea & short chats about your Grandad. The tears will flow, but it will do her good. Love to you all. -x- 
Being there for your nan is the best thing you can do. If she wants a good cry, let her have one. When you're talking to her about your grandad, concentrate on the happy memories. Try to remember some funny moments or stories, silly things he got up to, that kind of thing - no harm in mixing a little laughter in with the tears, and it will help you both. I lost my grandad, who was like a father to me, just over five weeks ago. It was a little different to your case, as gran had already passed away some years back, but the rest of the family have come through it by remembering the good times we had before his illness, not the way he was at the end.

Finally, as dinga says, time is a great healer. It's a cliche, but the reason it gets said so often is because it's true.

Sweetheart, I'm so sorry for you but it's good to hear that your nan has such a special granddaughter, but don't forget to greive for yourself too.  My granddad died 15 years ago and both me and my nan stll gets upset sometimes, but it does get easier I promise. 

I agree with the other posts that you should think about the funny/ silly things they did too.  My granddad used to push his false teeth out of his jaw and chase us, or ran away when we opened a bag of wotsits cos he hated the smell, he used to say "Oh, that's nice singing" when I cried because he knew it made me grizzle more and best of all he let me get away with everything because I was the only granddaughter! 

I'm sure your granddad would much prefer to know that you are making your nan happy and thinking of the good times :)

Lots of love to you honey, keep your chin up as best you can and take care of yourself X

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