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get rich quick scheme

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zzxxee | 20:51 Wed 02nd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
anyone got one leave details below
ta very muchly xx


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I will tell you my secret when you send me �20 :)
wow that's cheap cazzz
Yes everyone puts 1 pound in my account,and i get rich quick,we then proceed to the next person...and so on and so on........Everyone gets rich quick except thne last people on the chain, but they'll be ok when their lemonade lifestyle becomes a champagne one!
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im not silly cazzzz well not always lol
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very good gnawer
1 Apply latex face mask.

2 Rob jewellers in London

3 Don't get caught
Cheers zzxxee..

Panic you forgot No.4. Swallow largest diamond so even if you did get nabbed, You'd have a nice little "Nestegg" to come out to.
-- answer removed --
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another good answer panic keep em comeing i shall view them tomorow im off to the shops ran out of milk damn my fridge
download movies

burn them on to dvds

sell them for money
Marry a millionaire. (It's on my 'to do' list).
Get a boob job, become a slapper, marry a thick Australian bad pop singer, split up with him, become a slapper again. Simples.
Do not be tempted to take a card if the Dealer's "up" card is a 5 or a 6 ...

... even if you only have a total of 12 or 13.

The Dealer's "down" card is more likely to be a 10 value card (10, J, Q or K) than any other value in the deck. The Dealer's statistical most likely hand is therefore 15 or 16.

With 15 or 16, the Dealer is obliged to draw a further card. 7 of the 13 values (7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K), ie more than half the cards in the shoe, will "bust" the Dealer.

The tourists will think that their 12 or 13 is far enough away from 21 to risk taking a card. 5 times out of 13, they will bust themselves, and the Dealer's hand becomes irrelevant.

You, on the other hand, will Stand on your 12 or 13. The statistical odds are then against the House.

And you ... will get rich quick.


ps. If you happen to visit the Grosvenor Casino in Brighton ... you did not hear this advice from me !!
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i love all these answers especially jans xx

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