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Crusader 3/9

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yesterday | 09:46 Fri 04th Sep 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Raised on wholemeal, say (4) ????
Produce a small piece (5) S?a?n
Our family, endlessly predictable (9) F???u????
The old-fashioned way (7,6) C?b?l?? ?t???? (unsure of letters


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cobbled street
Cobbled street?
1 Bred?
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Many thanks
Formulaic is almost an anagram of OUR FAMILY endlessly (ie without the Y) - but where does the C then come from?
Re your qustion Factor30, the originator of the thread omitted the words 'working catholic' from the clue and c for catholic completes the anagram
Thanks, PuzzlesRus. There's an increasing number of postings asking for help with crosswords where the clues aren't given correctly, incorrect letters are included and the wrong number of letters is shown. Adds to the challenge I suppose.

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Crusader 3/9

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