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Samoa seeing sense!

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R1Geezer | 09:46 Tue 08th Sep 2009 | News
8 Answers
I see they've decided to drive on the correct side of the road! How long before the EU force us to change over to the wrong side?


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You know that's not going to happen, I know that's not going to happen so stop stirring the Anti-EU pot!
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To ease this into practice they should tackle one side of the road at a time.
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Probably your silliest question ever Geezer. Of course that will not happen. The cost of altering the infrstructure would be many billions of £s.

Your pathological hatred of the EU is making you look daft. Go and pull a wheelie of something.
Samoa is 'seeing sense' by doing what everyone else in their region is doing already, notably Japan and Australia. So maybe Britain should follow the same logic.
Silly, many things from the EU are silly.

Of course we are always stupid enough to obey our lords and masters of Bruxelles. My European collegues think we are nuts.

As for the cash, well the EU dont mind stripping billions of us when we are broke so les fromage mangeant singe de reddition farmers can drive their Mercs

It is not as stupid ass you pro Euro pinkos make out.
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Well we already spend Billions belonging to a club where we get butt fcuked on prime time TV every week, so it's not really a money issue Gromit. Your pathalogical Europhilia is also evident here!

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Samoa seeing sense!

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