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a woman was attacked outside my house this morning

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zzxxee | 09:03 Thu 10th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
i was in my pjs and heard some shouting when i went to my window i saw a teenager running down the road
i got dresses asked the woman if she was ok she said this guy said "im going to cut you, you slag" and tried to stab her with a fork.
someone shouted and he ran off.
I made her a cup of tea and someone called the police, they got him and arrested him within 10 mins of thr call.
What do you think his sentance would be?


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A fork??? Well I knew they were making it a bit harder for people to buy knives but a fork!! Although they can do some damage ask my sis :-)

Anyway being serious now well done you for going out to help her. How was she after? Do you think she knew him? What was he after? The sentance would depend if he had any previous and basically on if the judge sees it as that serious
Question Author
i know i was suprised when she said a fork she was very shaken he didnt actually get to attack her but he did try to grab her before someone shouted and scared him off
(appologies for awful spelling of some of the words in my post)
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what happened to your sister concerning a fork 4get?
That must have shook you up zzxxee , hope you're ok . Unless there was a reliable witness it's her word against his in the law , so it may get thrown out , though of-course I hope not . It may have been a bit of a domestic affair too if she knows him .
My Brother stabbed up through the wrist
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apparently she doesnt know him but she thinks he may of been on drugs as his pupils looked large
i was ok it didnt happen to me i was just worried about this poor lady
there were several witnesses
how old was she?
Question Author
mid to late 30s i would say 4get
through the wrist?...ouch
Good on you zzxxee.

Bigmamma - even if zzxxee didn't actually see the attack her evidence would be admissible under the "res gestae" rule. Even though it is hearsay, the "first report" (I assume to zzxxee) was so closely connected in time to the event that it is less likely to have been a fabrication.

No idea what the likely sentence is to be, depends whether he actually assaulted her. In theory he could be charged with attempted murder (although if it was just a kitchen fork, I rather doubt it)!!!!!!! If he is a loon (which sounds quite likely - I mean who tries to stab someone with a fork - 4gets brother excluded) quite possible that some sort of hospital order will result.
much better than my eyes which my bro was going for lol
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i dont know the lady in question the police have not taken a staement from me there were several witnesses
so i suppose i will never know the outcome
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well done zeee pet, I'm proud of you, if only more of the public would 'help' out someone in distress, but alas, we are living in dangerous times and people fear their own safety too
bobbi x
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it really shocked me as it was quater to 715 in the morning and where i live its such a small friendly town i worry about my youngest walking to school now i mean shes 12 she doesnt want her mum holding her hand
my eldest is 18 and going out to the pub with her friends on weekends shes an adult i know but i worry like mad about their safety
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*quater to 7
what colour bathroom paint did you get zzxxee?
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just some tester pots 4get lol still deciding xx

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a woman was attacked outside my house this morning

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