I know Dot had it but I dont know if she is on AB ATM.
My daughter came back from Bulgaria on Saturday and it seems- like the majority of the flight -they have infected each other.I have seen her today and she is certainly over the worst of it but she wasnt given Tamiflu as she didnt have an underlying health problem plus she is only 20.Seems they are stockpiling as they are anticipating an epidemic in October.So beware -and im not preaching -please wash your hands and get the abtibiotic hand wash as well just as a back up.
I know that its not like normal flu in duration but she is so weak and is going back to work tomorrow.
I wondered how long it took others to feel strong enough to work.
Sorry to hear about your daughter Drisgirl. I hope she feels better soon. My friend had it for around 10 days. She wasnt given Tamiflu either and was just told to rest and treat it like a normal flu. I don't know if that helps you, does she have to go back to work if she is feeling weak?
Hi Abbie -well she went to work -coughed twice and was sent home so she is going to have to get further advice from her GP tomorrow.She is conflicting advice from everyone although i do think 6 days was a bit early for going back but she's in a catch 22 doesnt want to lose her job but understands fully that she cant work if the virus is still active.