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Tomorrow is 9/11..........

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ELVIS68 | 23:37 Thu 10th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Been watching some programmes on C4 which I recorded this week...still watch in horror at what went on that day, anyone else?


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Dris....Dunblane and the Gulf War are not "JFK" moments..this was
I know I couldn't believe that either Elvis but then noone could have known what was gonna happen.

There was that girl who was filming the towers out of the window and then she saw the second plane hit the other tower - that was horrible - she was in a hurry to get to ground level after that can't say I blame her
Elvis -Dunblane was a JFK moment for me and 9/11 wasnt -sorry to profer a differing view on a discussion board.
Pasta -im not I cant change the way i feel -my children come first and the people from 9/11 were strangers.

I have no more to say on the subject unless you have walked in my shoes :(
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Dris this is a 9/11 thread, stop going on about your your loss on every thread
ELVIS -I so dont !!

That was unfair and hurtful.Take that back !!!

I know it was a 9/11 thread and I gave my reasons why it didnt bother me as much as it might have.It was a catastrophe but in the grand scheme of things not the biggest ever.Sorry if my view didnt concur with others.

ELVIS...I think one of the reasons it was-and still is-so shocking, is the fact that it was played out in front of our eyes....and tho 'history' now-it is a very strong memory for many of us.
To go to Ground Zero is to see what is now a vast,haunted pit.......and to be reminded that 3000 families.lost family members......with-in many cases-nothing left of them-not even a button.
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I agree pasta, Dris I won`t take it back, I`m sorry about your loss but i`ve read it untold`s getting like the Molly Sugden sketch on Little Britain
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Pasta -yeah like a lot of us -nothing left -burned alive-just cinders :( I do understand but i have to keep my empathy for my own family -thats all -its just natural)..

Elvis -I cant believe you would try to get a cheap laugh -I dont go on about it at all. However if you wish to continue making cheap jibes at my expense and your enjoyment -I would recommend kitchen roll for when you finish yourself off.

I am really off now as i have an early start tomorrow.

Godd Night Everyone xxxx
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Night Dris x
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Nite Dris x
Hi all - do you think bin laden is still alive ?
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I replied to you on other thread dixie and am off to bed now just waiting for NN to kick in. Any time 9/11 is on telly I am drawn to it - I wonder about the terrorists what they do on the anniversaries because in one way every time it's on telly they see it as a victory all over again - and still we can't not remind ourselves
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Night all X
I remember watching the second tower go in disbelief. Sad for all and now 8 years have passed on and the world does not seem much lesss angry.

Hopefuly the current US president can do a better job than Bush who was I think re-fighting his fathers Gulf war.

Peace to all today.

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Tomorrow is 9/11..........

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