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Derren Brown

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4getmenot | 09:08 Thu 10th Sep 2009 | Film, Media & TV
39 Answers
have searched but couldnt find any other so apologies if this is repeated but any views on how Derren Brown tricked us all last night? Obviously there is no way he could actually predict but how was it done?


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Do you have a link to that? That would imply Camelot believed he COULD predict the result.
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No they said on radio 1 this morning. What plonkers
If you watch this in full screen you notice a fair bit camera movement all the time. However when he announces the full list of numbers for the first time, as he says the 4th and 5th numbers there is no movement whatsoever. There is a suggestion that the left hand side of the screen has been split and the balls are replaced by the correct numbers. It could be then while there is no movement, we see a recorded view for a couple of seconds while the balls are replaced and then we cut to live again.

If you look carefully and see the shot again and again, look at the level of the balls and you see they are level. However, by the end before they are turnt around, the ball on the extreme left is a wee bit above the others, again suggesting they have been replaced.
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You have looked into it quite thoroughly havent you :-)
He is amazing.

He once showed how to win on the horses even if you hadnt the winning ticket.
I thought it might have been ilegal but apparantly not.

If he shows how it was done last night does that mean we can all win the lottery next week ?
somehow I think not.
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No cab because he wont show how you can win, he will show how he tricked us all. And that racing one had many different outcomes filmed
Oh I see, I think.
if everyone wins the lotto, it just means everyone gets their £1 back, so I wouldn't go counting on untold wealth falling into your lap.

As I understand it he said he's show how he did it and how we could all do it too, so it shouldn't be anything too expensive or impractical. It probably rules out my theory about trained ants with tiny felt-tips.
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Ha Ha that made me grin. If he ever showed that it can be done which he's not. we wouldnt even get the pound back after all the lotto charity money goes from jackpot lol
I'm intrigued too. The camera trick / split screen theory isn't really his style. Filming every possible outcome and just showing the correct one isn't really possible either, plus he's done that before. I worked out that if each set of balls took him minute to film, then working a 60 hour week it would still take 9 years to get through them all! He must have switched them or written the numbers on after the draw, but I'm sure there's a much cleverer way somehow...
It's been reported that it was done by a laser beam onto the ping pong ball.
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LEDs inside the bals, nothing was projected onto balls as he moved them
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4getmenot- I thhink you and cab are talking at cross purposes on the horse racing one. Yes there was one horse racing tips programme where several outcomes were filmed and he only showed the successful ones, but there was also one (dogs not horses I think) where he repeatedly bluffed his way to claim losing tickets were winning tickets and the cashiers handed over the money
awww, i missed a good programme by the sounds of it!
is it repeated do you know?
did anyone see his show not so long back where he staged a car crash scene out in the sticks with a young girl who had been hypnotised and she believed she was standing at the road side watching her own death.
(they wanted to show/prove to her how easily an accident can happen when youre driving being distracted by talking on your mobile phone and applying make up in the rear view mirror etc)
it was quite chilling to watch to be honest.
she was standing there, not believing her eyes, calling out but 'no one was hearing or seeing her', everyone was just rushing past her as though she wasnt there, dealing with this awful mess of road traffic accident, which 'she' was involved in..
she watched as fire crews cut 'her' out of her car (they used a body double wearing replica clothes etc and used an identical car to hers etc) and paramedics men carried her, all cut and bleeding and lifeless, on a stretcher into the ambulance, police were taping the area off and speaking to the distressed 'other driver' (who was in on the act) whod crashed into her.
after a while everyone left the scene, the sound of sirens fading off into the distance, leaving her there, open mouthed and aghast, believing shed just witnessed her own death....
like i say it was a bit chilling to watch, and rather extreme to be honest...
apparantly she was offered councilling afterwards when the whole set up was revealed to her....
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loobyloo that sounds horrible surely would scar you for life. But then she may have been in on it too. I did see the zombie one but sure he was acting too
youre probably right 4get, lol, you just never know with him do you?!
Facter 30 yes thats right you know the one I mean.

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