Im with rekstout about quality sleep, Im a night worker and know how important it is to get quality rest. I have a 3 year old and empathise with you. It sounds like your doing to much. My girlfriend looks after our daughter full time and its not easy, as such she has at least one weekend a month where she goes away and visits friends to remind herself who she is and recharge her batteries. She says this helps her no end and I notice the difference in her, it also helps me bond with our daughter as sometimes she doesn't see me for 5 days or more. My partner also enjoys yoga which helps her relax and has at least 1/2 hour in our bedroom a night after our daughter is in bed to read a book/magazine and feel like she isn't moving at a million miles an hour. You don't have to feel guilty about having time for yourself as your happiness is important and has a immediate effect on your family. Friends will always be there so just keep in touch on the phone and think that its not always going to be this hectic. Take a step back and try to relax whenever you get the opportunity. Best of luck to you nykkieberry.