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Are we back ?

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pericat | 18:15 Tue 15th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers


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Anything new done to the site - we might get a prize if we guess darren
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How long has it been having the massage then?
Question Author
I like this now darren - the other is well gone im afraid. Best part of two hours or so dot - it should be well pummelled by now. I could do with a bit of that
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Believe me if I can get used to it, anyone can
I really like this new AB, ansd cannot wait for the avatars, I like the way it is very calm and civilised most of the time, can't be doinbg with the grandstanding some users are about.
Question Author
It has been a lot better at night because at times there was so much sniping going on you just couldn't be bothered
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I agree dot, can't wait for the avatars, most of the little problems have been sorted out quickly, and it's very peaceful now :)

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Are we back ?

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