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Anyone else got the heating on?

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smudge | 18:03 Mon 14th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
We had ours on yesterday evening too, after a cool day out!


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up here in Hassop we've never had it off, the heating that is!
Im in Scotland too and the heating isnt on!
(for a change lol)
No I'm boiling infact Iahave the windows open maybe why everyone else has the man flu
No, but I have started making soup again - my heating never goes on before October
rural derbyshire is exquisitely beautiful but somewhat bleak when the sun doesn't shine, but still I love my home here!
I (unfortunately) have a problem when it comes to simply wanting hot water - the system doesnt work without the radiators... so I have to turn them off, but this year, despite the nozzles being turned off, 2 of the radiators still come on!!!!!!

Fortunately it only takes 20 mins for my water to heat up enough for my days requirements.

However last night I turned it on.... then went to the pub.... when I got back it was absolutely sweltering - spent the night with the bedroom window open.

So.... short answer to your question... yes I had the heating on....

but didnt mean to!!!!!! lol ;-)
I've just opened the window wider so I can listen to the rain and appreciate my duvet more... Does anyone else do this or should I just get my coat?
get your coat!
Fair enough... it's kind of cold so I'll probably need it!
Question Author
Back again after a long windy (not in the medical sense) day out!

Thank you for all your replies, some really made me smile!

Night, night. -x-

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Anyone else got the heating on?

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