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Just starting to watch 'Gentlmen prefer Blondes'

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pericat | 20:35 Wed 16th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
with my 12 year old daughter (educating her in the finer things). She wants to know do they ?


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Cazz she's 12 I can't ruins her hopes yet. They have already made a buoyancy joke
20:41 Wed 16th Sep 2009
I didnt think men looked above the busom
Do they what?
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David are you blond????
-- answer removed --
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Cazz she's 12 I can't ruins her hopes yet. They have already made a buoyancy joke
Just checking to see if I wasx going to get a sexist comment.

I have now been bullied! Excellent.
yes, dont tell her the awful truth!! ;)
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Well stop acting it - we are blonde here so we can joke about it
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I take that as a personal insult BS

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Just starting to watch 'Gentlmen prefer Blondes'

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