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Midnight erections...

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soonny | 04:22 Sun 15th Dec 2002 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Why do guys get errections during sleep?


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This is a myth. Simple as that.
Usually 'cause they need to pee
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what do you mean it's a myth? It's quite real to guys... healthy guys that is... And as a guy I get errections everytime I sleep regardless I wake up feeling desperate to pee or not
You're mythtaken rev.Crowley. It is very common to 'wake up with morning wood' probaby is to do with a need to urinate or maybe just your brain's way of saying 'I care.'
Em, reverend, it's not a myth, but physiological fact. In fact, if a man has an impotence disorder, the doctor will always ask him if he wakes up with an erection, since if he doesn't, there's a physical cause for his impotence and if he does, it's all psychological.
Ah the old moring glory eh!? Seems pretty real everytime I wake up!
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Sorry to hear about your trouble Rev!
Healthy guys certainly do get erections during sleep, it's the penis's way of staying healthy. The penis can only receive maximum oxygen and other nutrients when erect, so penile blood flow is increased many times during sleep to replenish the tissues. I read in a magazine that an easy way of testing for erections during sleep (and therefore checking for a healthy organ) is to go to bed with a ring of stamps around your member. If you wake up and the perforations have separated, congratulations, your still in possession of a healthy member!
Nice one gazzawazza! I might even say "First Class".
Thanks Gef, didn't realise the double meaning till I reread my own answer, and, not wanting to be outdone I suppose I'll just have to say that it's nice to know I'm a healthy mail!!!
The simple reason is that the Cowper's gland, responsible for an erection, is situated next to the bladder. As the bladder fills, it presses on the Cowper's gland and causes an erection. A few minutes after rising (no pun intended!) gravity takes over, the gland and bladder more away from close proximity, and the erection subsides. If Rev. Crowley is a man, he's led a peculiarly charmed life if he has never experienced this phenomenon.

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