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well playmates, if this..

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Bobbisox | 22:39 Sat 19th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
is the content tonight, I will go to my bed, or maybe stick pins in me eyes????



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Dont stick pins in your eyes bobbi....its bloody sore!!!

stay ....
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Granny Grump,,,
still got plenty of go in this owld bird
Awwww. Don't go.

Here's the sentiment from just up the road, Bobbi.
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awww judge, the Boro lost?
I don't like a NE team getting beat
There's a passion killer!!! After that vid as well ;-)

YOU don't like a North-East team losing??
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Nooooo, I don't Judge???

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well playmates, if this..

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