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NoMercy | 17:05 Sun 20th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
How's your sunday been so far? :-)


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Went out this morning and brought the tiles for the bathroom :-)

Collected my maintenance :-)

Had a long soak in the bath with my book and a big glass of wine while the boys watched footy.

Just waiting to dish up dinner...yum yum :-)

What about yours??
Why is AB on GO SLOW on a Sunday???
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Hi Ummmm, sounds like you've had quite a good day.

We went for a carvery in Pedreguer. Service was dire, food was adequate and the wine tasted like Castrol GTX, but apart from the food and the service, it was ace. :-)
Did you Dan? I will have a look :-)

I thought no one cared about my little Brian :-)
my stupid ex ran over my daughter's foot with the car. luckily she's okay but one day I will.. well, maybe I'm just grateful he's my ex!
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Oh poor thing !! Did she have to go to the hospital?
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no, but that's only by luck.. not his good judgement! he was actually messing around, pulling off before she was in the car and mis-timed it.

apart from that (and my sulking son), all is well.

.......... and breathe!
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Thank goodness for that. x

Nan embarrassed us in the restaurant by knocking her shandy all over the table, so we made her go and sit in the car while we ate our meal....
It's been o.k No. I've done most of what I said I'd do today. Nice pleasant day! :0) x
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Had a great fullfilling day out thanks NoMercy - now off to watch a bit of telly & no doubt nod off on the sofa!

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