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Anybody here ever been on a jury?

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pericat | 16:08 Sun 20th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Is it the same in Britain - can you get called at any time


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I was called twice and selected once - it was a murder and kidnapping trial just before christmas when my kids were small - I was excused due to the fact that the trial would take about 3 weeks and I had 3 small kids.
16:15 Sun 20th Sep 2009
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I got called in March and sat in on one trial but the whole case fell apart and we were dismissed. Got called for another but wasn't selected for the jury.
Yes I have peri. Theft of a bike! lol !
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I was called twice and selected once - it was a murder and kidnapping trial just before christmas when my kids were small - I was excused due to the fact that the trial would take about 3 weeks and I had 3 small kids.
I was called to the Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court) when I was heavily pregnant with my daughter (16 years ago). I was excused, and haven't been called since :o(
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I hope they got justice sachs
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Yes at Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court), armed bank robery. was there for just over a week.
Whoever it was accused of taking the bike got off with it peri. I was 3 months pr'egnant & thought I'd be excused, but wasn't!
I was called over Christmas but got it deferred due to being single parent with two kids off school due to holidays. So went in June. Case was dropped as the wording was all wrong apparently... you can't call a crowbar a 'weapon' as its primary use is not a weapon... I'm surprised that the case got as far as it did given it was chucked out over incorrect wording...
I understand that you have to be on the Electoral Register to be selected for Jury service, as that is the only way they can get your name. So if you are not on that, then you will not be called up, I presume.
I've never been called. :-0
Yes Wolverhampton crown court. Called twice and selected twice. Rape and Gbh.
I was called to the Old Bailey 18 years ago but my son was small and I had no one to take care of him, so I was excused. Have'nt been called since. Mr. Den has done jury service twice at Snaresbrook Crown Court in Essex .
I was called about 20 yrs ago, up until then under the impression you could only be called 3 times, but one man had been called 7 times !!! he said the 3 times only rule applied within each county, so if you moved counties you can be called a maximum of 3 times per county you live in
Called for a two week drugs case when I was 18.

My strongest memory is of a numb bum on the uncomfortable bench.

One lunchtime a group of us jurors were in a pub for food and soft drinks. The defence and prosecution were also there. We all carefully ignored eachother.
Before the abolition of Capital Punishment,I was called for Jury Service at the Old Bailey.
I was dreading getting a murfer case (for obvious reasons) but sod's law was in force and I did.
Luckily,the accused was so patently innocent,and the police had such flimsy evidence,that we found him not guilty.
Even if we hadn;t,I would have found him not guilty as my conscience wouldn't have allowed me to send a man to the gallows!
We were well aware(even then ,late 1950's) that the police could be corrupt.

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