hi i work 16hrs a week as a school crossing patrol and dinner lady.this is term time only.I get tax credits and child tax credits as i work 16hrs but someone said i need to work every week of the year at 16hrs to get taxcredits.does anyone know or does anyone work school term and get tax credits?or do i have to get another job during the holidays/?any one know?hanks
As far as I know you have to work 16 every week. In your situation you're receiving working tax credits for the weeks you're not working.
Phone them, they are really helpful. I used to be self employed...some weeks I didn't work, other weeks I did full time hours. They said as long as it averaged out at 16 hours + a week that was fine.
Thanks i just phoned tax credits and they said if those are my contracted hours then thats ok i dont have to find additional work.I am a worrier and have been worried all night that i couldnt have 12 weeks off and claim taxcredits but they said yes.