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despatches, middle management

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gina32 | 12:22 Tue 22nd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
watched this today, altho on last week, a man who was on 65k a year was no unemployed, he went for a job interview and i was amazed at him, he had a suit on but no tie hadnt shaved and still had growth and before he went into the interview he said just enough time for a cigarette, is it just me(cos i havent had an interview for ages) or would his whole look and fag breath put potential employers off?


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... depends what job it is he's applying for.
Perfectly presentable for, say, a newspaper editor, nightclub bouncer, brain surgeon....
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vibrasphere no it wasnt with his career guidance dude! he may not have been kissing him/her but the fact that his breath was smelly would put me off anyway, anyway he didnt get the job so maybe i was right
gina...personally, he wouldn't have a hope. don't have to kiss the, you smell the nicotine as they walk into the door.

Now if he was being interviewed for a lavatory attendant or a waste disposal collector.....then I retract my comments unreservedly.
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morecowbell.....Oi! what about the unshaven bit?.....what about the no tie?
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Very poor shoes too not proper leather Oxfords.
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morecowbell, in this climate id be very surprised if i wasnt able to find a suitable candidate for the job, and if he couldnt be bothered to impress or an interview what sort of impression is he going to make to anyone else and yes if i was an employer, the smell of smoke form someone would def put me off, as sqad said, you can smell the smoke as they walk through the door.

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