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Blimey, I have been away a long time.....

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Postdog | 21:43 Tue 22nd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Loadsa new names!!


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cheeky git, Im not a new name , btw welcome back :)
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I've been here forever
I'm not new. I'm a very old lady who posts in chatterbank :o)
Where have you been? Somewhere nice?
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where have you been postdog?
Question Author
I spotted you no problem. Same surreal stuff you have on facebook. Who needs drugs with you around!
looking after a farm posty??
Welcome back, there are no green names either, it is confusing now.
thats my life you are mocking posty :o
Hello Im old and new postdog - happy to meet, sad to part
hello posty......are you on strike?
Question Author
OK, let me put it another way. The main reason I went (apart from my farm) was getting sick of seeing certain other names again and again and again. The fact they aren't here makes it seem like a lot of newness.
there's a sad irony there somewhere

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Blimey, I have been away a long time.....

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