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What can't you do....

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NoMercy | 16:20 Wed 23rd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
to save your life?

I can't sing to save my life !! :-(


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yeh ummmm....I aint bad in that room be not worrying about hair and makeup eh?......
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I must admit, Come Dine With Me is one of my favourite programmes.

Pmsl at Craft !
eat a doughnut without licking my lips.......
Dance, sing, draw, paint, drive, DIY... God, I'm useless!
.......eating those bushtucker trial creepy crawlies and nasty things like kangaroo bollocks, without havin' a good chunk afterwards!!!

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But I bet you pour a mean vodka, Jan. :-)

Craft - ever tried sucking a fruit pastille without chewing?
Yeh, you're right there NoMercy, although I have run out at the moment. I also make a mean curry.
I just CAN'T like spiders!!
.......but they like you, pips :0)
Tact and diplomacy... I've tried it, it's just not me...
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I couldn't give up curry to save my life, Jan. lol

Straight to the point, China? Sometimes it's best. ;-)
Hardly NM, the worrying thing (according to those who know me best) is when I think I'm being tactful and diplomatic, 'like a car crash' according to my nearest and dearest.
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You'd get along very well with my Nan then, China. She's about as subtle as a sledgehammer....
Your nan sounds great! :c)
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I couldn't imagine life without her.
and eat fish
look at fish
or be in the same room/space as fish

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