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boring you again but it was w.w.night

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slinky.kate | 22:20 Wed 23rd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
i lost another 2 lbs,total now 1 stone and a half pound,i am walking about a bit better and feel real good about my achievement


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Well done slinky. You'll get there soon.
Well done slinky kate - keep it up you're doing well and you're feeling better.
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well you could cut your throat,or drink loads of water,home made vegie soup,thats what i done.
bludy hell it was a bit drastic to cut your throat slinky
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thanks everyone,going to try and drop 2/3 dress sizes before xmas,i mean i dont want to embarass you's for the'big meet in Blackpool'
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that was for dancairo crazycathy
Wow Kate, you're looking good!!
Well done, Slinky x

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boring you again but it was w.w.night

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