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john1066 | 19:23 Thu 24th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
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Hi..The Antiques Roadshow I attended is part of a new series which has just started to be broadcast..I don't know when my particular show will be sent out, but it was filmed at Somerleyton Hall near Lowestoft. It was quite an experience.Somerleyton hall is used quite a lot for weddings...Have you had any good experiences lately? x.


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Certainly is ruthann .It's come to me now vaguely . I think the shop was called Holgates ( in Lowestoft ).her Mum and Dad used to own that one and the one in the row was called , Martins Menswear .I remember helping her out one summer and of course we used to get all the people from the shows in .I've measured quite a few famous inside legs ! I'm going back to the early seventies here .
The cottage on Lord Somerleytons estate backs onto Fritton lake .
You must live fairly local to me .
My brother-in-law was a hairdresser in Lowerstoft in the 70s 80s and 90s, Jim;s I think it was called! he was called Jim newman
holgates ! i did the repairs and alterations for them until a few years back the chap who owned it then was called len, what school did you go to
is the cottage the one near cherry lane on the main road i can remember the ollets living there probably in about the eightys
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I went to Stradbroke Juniors on Lowestoft Road but we moved to Kent when I was 11 and I went to senior school there .Moved back to Gorleston when I was 19 .After I married I lived in Germany then we came back to Gorleston and lived with my Mum until we bought a house in Hopton .Only there about a year and went to Holland to live .Came back again,moved to Gorleston and then about a year later we moved to London where we llived for 23 years apart from one year when we lived in Norway .We came back here nearly six years ago now to retire .So although I am a Gorleston girl I haven't spent my whole life here :)
The original Holgates were my friends parents .She was a Holgate .
Yes ruthann you go past Cherry Lane and there's a little turn off .Blink and you miss it .I think the little gatehouse is still there .There used to be the most glorious rhodedendron bushes up the path .They rented it at the time from Lord Somerleyton .It was a fabulous place with a thatched roof .
my husbands nan and grandad owned the shell fish shop at the top of the high street in gorleston and we lived in a flat opposite the commodor pub for the first few months we were married then we moved back out into the sticks where we still are
Crikey I remember that shop from when I was child .We used to up go there and and get a pint of shrimps or cockles. We lived on Nile Road .The shellfish used to be in the window on a tiled slab . Little tiny shop .And I know the Commodore .There used to be loads and loads of pubs in Gorleston and my Mum reckoned my Dad visited most of them when he came home from sea :)
There used to be loads of fish shops too but of course once the fishing packed up it all went .Such a shame as it used to be a really bustling place. Do you remember the old swimming pool at the Floral Hall ?
no i dont remember the pool but he does , do you remember johnsons shirt factory on pier plain i worked there when we first got married .quite often go down on the front and have a Della-spina like we used to when we were young
Yes I can remember Johnsons .My Mum worked there way back when she was a girl.And she was born in 1904 !
We often have a breeze along the front and get an icecream .We've probably walked past one another .:)
You might like the Gorleston Heritage website and they often do an exhibition . It's quite interesting Loads of old photos of Gorleston .My brother and I went to Stradbroke school for the 100th anniversary a couple of years ago .I was astounded at the change since I was there in the fifties with the teacher warming his backside in front of the stove while we all froze
.In fact when we came back I was astounded at the change all round .in spite of regular visits to my family over the years actually coming back to live was a bit of a culture shock ! Took me a while to settle down .
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My son Steven lives in Bradwell & my grand-daughter lives in Belton. there is a water-slide next to the Pleasure Beach in YT.and when she was younger my grand-daughter emptied several aerosols of washing-up liquid into the water and the suds caused a lot of bother..Ev'rybody coming down the slide had an impromptu wash..We've never forgotten it, neither has she. x.
It's a small world John .My brother lives in Bradwell and my aged aunt used to live in Belton on Station Road .
I bet that was a laugh with the waterslide . Donkeys years since I went to the Pleasure Beach. I wonder if the shoe I lost on the big wheel is still knocking around:)
Nice talking to you all .I'll give you a wave next time I venture into Suffolk :)
Goodnight x

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