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have the "recent posts" disappeared?

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sara3 | 16:36 Sat 26th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
or is it just me?


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yippee I'm in good company.
I tried to ask that same question but AB stuck it's tongue out at me :)
they have with me , sara
It's just you - lol

No mine have just disappeard about 4 mins ago
No, I can't see it either sara.
Mind you,the Ed removed any answers/questions over 30 days old yesterday,so maybe the equipment that removed that removed the recent posts too?
Anything is possible on AB lately!
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albaqwerty, how rude :oP

hello beejay x

cath, cheers love!
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you're right as always, Mr V :o)

I may have to go out and do the oil and water and stuff in the car :o/
^ will that help the site - lol

I'm offf noe as it's all too much
this is going to upset the Q&P folk
hi Sara- you're lookin well
Hi Sara, how was work?

Yes, my recent posts box has gone into hiding.
Question Author
the Q&P folk are very touchy. evidently quizzes are not good for your blood pressure.

beejay, you flatterer ;o)

NoMercy, it was okay thanks. you know, I never thought I was swayed by advertising but I heard a McDonalds ad on my way in and they said, "sausage and egg mcmuffin.. mmmmmmmm!" and I went off course and bought a (double) sausage and egg mcmuffin! that helped me last til 3.30 :o)
-- answer removed --
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you do? how sweet.
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they're back. how terribly exciting ;o)

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have the "recent posts" disappeared?

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