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Well, I'm going to bed...

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NoMercy | 22:36 Sat 26th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Thoroughly disappointed.

Goodnight all. xx


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but I though you were No Mercy - did you change your name by deed pole

but night anyway xx
Night NoM
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Night Boo, Peri and Cath. x
night nomercy x
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Night Cazzz - btw... going to bed is a euphamism for turning off the comp and going out to join the others for a nightcap or 6. ;-)
Make sure you take your nan though .....
night night NoMercy x
excuse me..........I've won the nan.....when do I get her?
did I get the Quality Street then?
have a drink on me NoMerc...nite x
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Night y'all x
yeah but where is Nan?

Nite NoM Nite Nan

Craft has Nan arrived at yours yet?
Question Author
Nan had bad fall earlier today, and cut her knee open. She's ok now, but having a few medicinal voddies. Hic.
poor nan, bless her x

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Well, I'm going to bed...

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