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NoMercy | 10:44 Sun 27th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
A man kisses his wife goodbye before heading off to work. He's gets into the elevator, when suddenly the elevator stops and the lights go out. He knows at that precise moment his wife has died. How does he know?


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I have a better one... Why on the one day I have a hangover are there not threads offering me coffee and breakfast... ;c)
Is it something to do with fuses?
Still thinking - china I offered you cat food what more can you want
cos the lift is in the morge and she is a client
Is he dead as well ?
or is she in the electric chair? lol oooo goolash!!! I mean goolish tut, that bloody cat food again
if that's it he's a cold son of a b.....
is dot right ?
what for going off to work? maybe he's the mortition
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He was visiting her in hospital. She was on a life-support machine. When the lift breaks down, it's due to a powercut.... therefore, the life-support machine must have gone off too. :-)
Wouldn't he have noticed his Mrs is dead before that though Dot?

I'm going to report this question in a minute using myself as 'too stupid to answer'....
Still think he's a cold fish going to work while his wife was so ill - honestly men !!!
Well that's sort of to do with fuses... ahem... :c)

Cheers love, I can go to bed happy now.
ahhhh but, the hospital will have a back up generator, as they do, and also those life support machines have a built in battery for just such an occasion, so how shockled will he be when he gets out of that life, hopefully in 7 days time in a bodybag as a skeleton!!!
don't hospitals have back-up generators for emergency equipment when that sort of thing happens?
see, told ya lol
Question Author
Now stop being pernickety !!

In any case, she could have lay comatose for years.... ;-)
with a feckless husdand like that any woman would have lol
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