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had an AGM to do with job this morning

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pericat | 14:18 Tue 29th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
And out of nowhere they are looking for short term lay offs - now I wasn't expecting that.


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It's a shock isn't it?? what exactly have they called it? Jobs at risk?
Question Author
the nature of the business is waiting for work to come in and at the moment there is work promised but that's all it is. He doesn't foresee this situation lasting but we will see. They are looking for volunteers then it will be last in first out and he said he would take personal circumstances into consideration. This happened before in 2003
Oh so it is jobs at risk!!! then it will go to 90 days collective consultation before they can do the last in first out anyway, if there are over 20 people involved, check out here />
i used to ring them all the time over the summer and they were brilliant
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There are 35 home workers of which I am one and 22 office workers - I was contemplating taking sick leave anyway as having worked constantly through the pain of the last couple of years it was mentioned to me by the boss as I wasn't managing my hours well for a while. So I am considering volunteering for 6 weeks . I help my OH with family business also. I do believe the work will come in!
Hi pericat

Hope you fine and fit.

Sory to hear the news......before you go ahead and volunteer for short term time off.....6 weeks or more........make sure that you will be allowed to return if the work does'nt come in, as they may be looking ahead in the long term too, and you dont want to find yourself in a position that because you volunteered time off, they find an excuse to let you go, if things dont improve.

Check, sweetheart and best of luck (as you're one of my favourites!.....i dont say that much! xx)

love yogi bear xxxx
^^^ sorry about "sorry".......had some wine with lunch, dont you know!!....hic!

Question Author
Sure I know you don't yogi. They have said the jobs are definitely still there. There is only one company in ireland that does this and you need training so when the work comes in he has nowhere to go but us if that makes sense. It's to do with airline revenue and the training takes months
Sounds secure so that's good, pericat


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had an AGM to do with job this morning

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