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5 day coursess

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barneyboo | 15:52 Tue 29th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Could anyone tell me what the difference is between somebody that does a weeks course in tiling or plumbing and somebody who goes to college and does a proper course for a few years. I know people who did five day courses and their work looks just as good as an ex- apprentice\'s who has been doing it for many years, and their customers are practically in tears because they are so in awe of their work. Why is this?. Are they geniuses who can just do something straight away or are apprentices wasting many years doing unnecessary qualifications?. Thankyou for your help from someone who has no clue about these things.


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i know plumbers & tilers that have been doing their job for 20-30years and don't know it all, so 5 day course nah
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Why is it that they can do a marvellous looking kitchen or bathroom though that people think is wonderful, and get away with not having to do any proper training?.
I think it is like some being able to play anything on a piano or musical instrument .Just something you are gifted with. My son did all his training for car mechanic and when the firm he worked for moved back to france he went on a course for plastering. He now has his own business and very seldom has to advertise as it is all done by recommondation. Even somone that had been in the trade 20 years told him his work was perfect but I am glad he done mechanics as saves me a fortune on my car.
Judge them on previous jobs then as opposed to how many days training.
The quick-course artisan renews everything but cant fix anything.

cheaper to buy a DIY Readers Digest manual
Weeal I think judging them on their previous jobs would about say everything. You dont get recommendations from the cowboy jobs.

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