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i have been promised a treat

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slinky.kate | 16:19 Wed 30th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
my sons promised me a treat everytime i loose a stone,i wanted to go to fort william to see the dolphins but it is about a 5 hour drive from here,we have a dog in the house so thats out of the question,have you any good suggestions,remember i am disabled,it has to be something in scotland nearer glasgow or just a couple of hours travel.


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You could ask them to take you to Ibrox or Parkhead, depending where your loyalties lie !!
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rangers one sounds good,thanks
or Firhill
a luxury spa slinky or an overnight stay in a top hotel with a pool?
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you know bobbi i would love a massage,but i cant lie on my tummy,spa sounds good,
I'm sure they would have some kind of arrangements where you wouldn't need to lie on your tummy slinky, I hate doing that too, it might be worthwhile asking about treatments in Spas for disabled people, in Body & Soul?
so how many treats can you have, before you become dangerously slim,?

May be then you will be able to lie on your tummy. .:-)
I don't know whether it is the right time of the year but you could have fruit trees off of them. Random, healthy and delicious when you get the fruit.
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i am not telling logic,but it's quite a few,i am walking a lot better now,and not so breathless,hoping to get back into water aerobics soon

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i have been promised a treat

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