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October tomorrow, has anyone started their Chrissy shopping yet?

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Bobbisox | 15:27 Wed 30th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
112 Answers
I will start this week, I love the Christmas prep.
When do you put your tree up?, mines normally the 1st weekend in Dec.
do you love it or loathe it, the bright lights, the crowded shops
carol singers, the same songs belted out each year, Slade, Wizard ect;
those fab 'catchy' Christmas adverts, loved the co-op one last year...can't remember, but someone was singing a lovely song by a log fire.

Don't like NY tho', it's flat....


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Sqad! lol!
At my previous place ' Corrosion & protection' ( don't ask ) They use to weigh in scrap metal for the Christmas 'do' Yours sounds more fun!
I would always go Christmas shopping with my mother to help her pick presents for everyone now she gives us all money. Believe me the shopping is faster - after Christmas dinner she takes out a load of old envelopes and starts the procedure. You could get anywhere from 5 to 100 euro as she's not too good at distinuishing the notes now. And it takes ages while we all sit around waiting because we are not allowed do anything else. The procedure can take up to 2 hours
lol peri! Awww ;0) x
Bobbi - your threads get the funniest stories - you have a definite talent my dear - still laughing at the snail book and I might just look for that book for someone at Christmas
Peri, we used to get the 'christmas' envelope, but as I said, last year my Dad dished out the money and took some back, my Mum was looking daggers at him, despite having dementia, and still trying to fathom out why she was given a book on 'how to befriend a snail' !! I did put the rifle out of harms way, as my Mum was eyeing it up and looking at my Dad, taking the money back, as a willing target with the 'Sexy' beanie hat on.
It depends on how you say that awww sachs - scream it - that's it exactly
Den stop - can't stop laughing - I'm thinking we should bring our families together for Christmas ??
Not sure if this will work! Here goes ..?
Someone got me a 'ginger survival guide' for xmas.....that's funny book.
Sachs - just watched all of that - so funny and sooooo true
Yes the Broons and oor wullie a doll an apple and an orange couple of tangerines. snakes and ladders and some sweets that was my xmas stocking.Changed days now .You nearly need a skip now lol.
Don't like NY tho', it's flat.... Bobbisox (15:27 30-Sep-2009) ......................

course it's flat!!!..........ffs!

(yogi thinks she means like her chest, the wee canny lass geordie fruitcake!!)

love to boobisex.... from the bear xxx

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October tomorrow, has anyone started their Chrissy shopping yet?

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