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I'm leaving

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dothawkes31 | 20:42 Wed 30th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
the ranks of the unemployed tomorrow. I have learnt an awful lot about the ridiculousness of the scheme (most of it from sara and the other AB gems), I have learnt that it is probably an excellent idea, unfortunately it does not reflect the long term commitment to it's coffers that the employed think they are making.

I know alot of people using this site have and are still experiencing problems that mean they will continue to use the benefit system for some time to come. I sincerely wish them luck and admire alot of the people of Ab who have struggled to keep going but have remained cheerful, I basically moaned for the whole 6 weeks I was unemployed.

Thanks to those who put up with that, and sorry to those I annoyed with it!!! I hope noone posts that I am being patronising as I am genuinely not.

Cheers guys




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wie herablassend
Hope your new job goes well...
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tut, what's German for 'you're predictable No Knowledge?'
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cheers ummmm, i shall be surrounded by Christmas as of tomorrow lol!!!!
What's German for "tw@t" ?
Talking of leaving, whatever happened to Jogger Jayne, I for one have missed her, she was a sport and a good contributer. Prudentia xxxx
I think JJ is posting on sportsanswerbank.
Good Luck Dot, I am sure that no one minds a bit of moaning.

We are a nation of moaners!

And people who queue.

And who moan about people in queues!
good luck with the new job, Dot. I never disagreed with your benefit comments, but couldn't answer them for you!

hope it all goes well for you x
I went to Alton Towers yesterday and there were no queues.....!!
dot good luck with your new employment, I wish you well and agree the system is frustrating whether you are temporarily unemployed or long term disabled.

Take care

Dot - I prob missed it somewhere but which job did you go with ?
thanks, nomercy, I will give her a call!
Good luck :)
good luck dot in your new job xx
I tried to post on this last night to no avail.

Good Luck dot.
I swear that my post from last night was not there! Must reduce my nightcap. ;0]

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