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Eastenders last night?

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netibiza | 14:08 Thu 01st Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Was there an Eastenders last night (thurs) as I can't find it to download. I know Corrie wasn't on.


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its thursday today isnt it??
Hi Neti - nice to see you again.

It was Wednesday yesterday & EastEnders isn't usually on then. -xx-
You're not on your own though Neti. I had a similar day on Tuesday! lol've gained a day :-)
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keep trying to submit an answer but can,t
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Right now I can. Have I made myself out to be a right plonker omg!!!

Hi smudge, how are you and yours, ok I hope ^8^ x
aha, so your'e getting your question in early so its there for Friday?? :)
Never mind Neti. Those storms have got to you!!
4get thought it was Thurday yesterday.....and wished someone a happy birthday so you're not alone :-)
Hi again Neti, only just been able to get back on! Mind you, in that time, I've cleared out my wardrobe & chest of drawers & have a big bag ready for the Heart Foundation charity shop tomorrow!

I hope you & yours are all well. ^8^ -xx

P.S. Enjoy Eastenders tonight.
Fancy Boris Johnson being on it tonight! ;o}
He looked slightly bemused at being there smudge! Hi neti - remember me from 2005?
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Yes peri of course I remember you, you sent me fairy dust to clean my screen with. (err, it's still dirty though!) Oh goody I get to see Eastenders today.

Love to you all, don't get on here much these days.
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I'd better explain. I can't get BBC or ITV oveer here, (which is a buggar as I want to see Benidorm) so I download it from another site the next day so watch them the following day to you lot. Only prob is that we can't download anything that is due to be released on dvd ie benidorm!!!
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*not due* here I go again!!!
Sorry about the screen neti - will do better next time - lol - Enjoy EE !

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Eastenders last night?

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