baddies quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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baddies quiz

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lizzyminto | 11:56 Sat 03rd Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
no. 99 chieftain took rum became disorientated and was known as a disabled outlaw? 3,5,6. ive got one armed bandit. why? and is it right?
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try an anagram of CHIEFTAIN & RUM.
This will explain your answer.
Question Author
goofy. been away for a month. dont know if there has been much action on this quiz. you are a diamond. why couldnt i see the reason. duh my brain hurts. still need about 10.
not too many, but search for thoroughly bad lot.
Well done - away for a month and only 10 left!
I've still got 25 to do.

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