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"Fly Away Home"

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john1066 | 18:29 Sun 04th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Just seen the film about the girl and the geese...I found it quite emotional..I must be coming an old 'softy' ...Did you see it?. x


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With the Missus..
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Should always be the ladys turn ................
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What do you mean peri , most ladys get their own way one way or another.
That is so true
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We do though dont we ? Its one of the few perks
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I know, but i like what she doe's to persuade me around to her way of thinking ( all you have to do is pretend that you agree with her )
But what you dont know is she is doing the same to you so while you think she is doing what you want - she knows that you think that she thinks that you think that she will do what you think she wants you to do but she is really doing the opposite !!
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yes More Cowbell so have i , and if i look sincere while doing it i can fool her into rewarding me ( know what i mean nod nod wink wink ).
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excuse me - the testosterone in here is making me feel faint - have to go .................

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"Fly Away Home"

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