I hope I do not cause any further upset here, but I am only passing on a message. I had a text from Knobby, and he tells me that it was not him posting that abuse the other night. He insists that someone registered that name to vilify him. I have no further comment, so please don't shoot the messenger !
Knobby- The Ed was vey quick in stating that the poster this afternoon wasn't infact an imposter. He hasn't however said that The knobbler wasn't an imposter has he? Neither here nor in the email he sent to me this morning- why is that do you think?
Sadly, it seems that the knobbler is you, I know that, you know that, the ed knows it and apparently alot of other folk also know that. Let it go now eh?
Doh-Nut I can see no reason why you should be banned. None of your posts should cause offence and given you are such a polite felllow why would it be otherwise.