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the saddest part of your life

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Bobbisox | 22:54 Wed 07th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
I would say when my Mum passed away, I was only 26 with a young family and , Oh Boy, did I need her, we all talk about the happy times when we had our kids and such, but the sad memories are as important to us, it makes us what we are today, I am always happy go lucky, but sometimes I like to reflect on times,
how about you?


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Oh god chappie...that is so sad
the last time I visited my sister.....I KNEW it would be the last time I saw her...and I had no idea if I should say anything to her...or just let it go. That visit-she almost shusshed me out of the room after only minutes........she was gone hours later
Pasta, how old was your sister?
my sister died 11 years ago this month and i've really been feeling it, i watched 7 pounds the other night and cried so much it brought backso many memories, she has this kids and they were babies at the time. i'm really angry right now as well as my bro is in a lot of pain andmy poor dad is trying to cope with it and he thinks he mught try to kill himself and i don't know if he will cope wil two of his kids dying :-(
Mcfluff - you've a huge amount on your shoulders at the moment - life is tough but at least we have our sense of humour
hey its cool, we'll get through we always do, and its always helps having you guys around to bounce of as well x
It does yeh - I'm off to try and sleep night
night x

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