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come on liven up people its like a wake tonight

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zzxxee | 20:06 Fri 09th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
say something spontaneous and exciting i'll start

grannys hairy..................................................................................

plughole (what did you think i was gonna say)


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chin had a couple of moles on it.
Grannys hairy.....Gooseberries?
rug needs a good sweep
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My Nanny's hairy too!
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hooray for piles he/she is the baseball master wooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you have a mucky rug then cazz?????????????????

ohh gosgogs judge i havent had them for a long time yum
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bravo morecowbell the most spontaneous replies of yet xxx
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you have just stood on a large drawing pin it hurts like hell curse loudly without actually swearing e.g
"you stupid round small metal pointy thing i curse the very day some imbicil invented you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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bravo piles i bow in your very presence you genius you lol
Are Polaroids what eskimos get from sitting too long on the ice?///
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this is turning into a strange thread lol
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for sure

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come on liven up people its like a wake tonight

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